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Backend setup

This is the backend component of the project.

Install Dependencies

  • Navigate to your project's root directory in your terminal.
  • Run the following command to install required packages:
    npm install

Environment Setup

  • Create or edit .env files:
    • Create development.env and production.env files in your project's root directory.
    • Add the following environment variables to both files, replacing placeholder values with your actual credentials:
  • Add the DATABASE_URL value to the package.json file under the env object.
  • Add required modules in the setup-config.js file
    "modules": ["query", "graph", "dashboard", "app_constant", "job"]

Pull Database Schema

  • Run the appropriate command based on your operating system:
    • Windows:
      npm run prisma-pull-db-dev-w
    • Linux:
      npm run prisma-pull-db-dev
  • A schema folder will be created if the database connection is successful.

Initial Database Setup

  • Create necessary tables and records:
    • Windows:
      npm run auth-setup-w
      npm run module-setup-w
    • Linux:
      npm run auth-setup
      npm run module-setup

Generate Prisma Client

  • Generate TypeScript types for your database models:
    npx prisma generate

Start Prisma Studio (Optional)

  • View and manage your database visually:
    • Windows:
      npm run prisma-studio-dev-w
    • Linux:
      npm run prisma-studio-dev

Replace the placeholder values in the .env files with your actual database URL and secret keys.

Additional Considerations

  • Consider using a .gitignore file to prevent sensitive information like secret keys from being committed to version control.
  • For production environments, use environment variables or a secrets manager to securely store sensitive information.

By following these steps, you should have a working backend environment ready for development.


The following npm scripts are available for managing the backend:

  • start: Starts the backend server in production mode using nodemon.
  • dev: Starts the backend server in development mode using nodemon.
  • db-setup: Sets up the database for development environment using node.
  • serve: Starts the backend server without nodemon.
  • migrate: Runs database migrations using knex.
  • rollback: Rolls back the latest database migration using knex.
  • pm2: Starts the backend server in production mode using pm2.
  • pm2-restart: Restarts the backend server using pm2.
  • prisma-studio: Starts Prisma Studio to interact with the database in production mode.
  • prisma-studio-dev: Starts Prisma Studio to interact with the database in development mode.
  • prisma-db-pull: Pulls the database schema from the production database using Prisma.
  • prisma-db-pull-dev: Pulls the database schema from the development database using Prisma.
  • prisma-migrate-dev: Applies database migrations in development environment using Prisma.